Health watch alert!Macadamia MealConsiderable research has been conducted by our Macnut foodie experts into a product called Macadamia meal (ground macadamia nuts). Mac Meal is extremely beneficial for people who suffer from food allergies such as flour, starch, and gluten. It is also an advantage for people who are simply on a low carbohydrate diet with the aim to lose weight. (The famous Dr Atkins was heard to quote on his diet regime “You can eat as many macadamias as you can afford on my diet”.) Food allergy study has found the elimination of flour from the diet to be a very hard regime to stick to. Mac Meal can be used to make delicious muffins and biscuits using nil flour. These satisfy the comfort food cravings of sweet biscuits etc. We all know that Almond meal (very expensive) is traditionally used for flour-free recipes, but Macadamia meal has the same, if not better effect. This fabulous ingredient can also be used for making all manner of recipes such as shortbread, sauces, pates, fudges, and is a superb topping for meat and vegetable dishes. When using Mac nuts in a recipe, roasting them beforehand brings out their incredible, natural buttery flavour. This is not absolutely necessary, but we find roasting the nuts before cooking with them intensifies and compliments the flavour of the most recipes. Macadamia meal can be easily produced by zapping the pre-roasted nuts in your home blender using the pulse, until their texture starts to become fine with a few slightly larger chips. (Make sure you do not process for too long or it will become too fine and turn buttery.)
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